Sunday, July 16, 2017

A Day Off

I am self-admittedly a person who tends to keep to himself.  Given my options at home - if alone - I will likely sit in front of the TV playing on the Xbox or working on a project on iMovie.  I rarely go out alone just to see who is out and about. 

My options while living in Kuwait are more limited and I have come to the realization that I might be a bit of a loner.  Sundays are a great example.

Today being Sunday, I start the day with a cup of coffee at Starbucks because it is right next door and I can get a Stars and Stripes there.  I come back to the room, read the paper and drink the coffee.  Around 8ish I bike over the "Frat House", otherwise known as the Zone 2 DFAC, or Dining Facility.  Sundays mornings they serve brunch; fresh waffles, eggs, hamburgers, sandwiches.  Its a good spread.  

I bike back to my room and do laundry. I watch a movie on Netflix or DVD. This morning, just for kicks, I took the bike for a 9 mile ride around the post before watching "War Machine".  Somewhere in there, I clean the room. 

If at any point I speak to someone it is by pure coincidence.  I do not avoid people; when my deputy sat down across from me this morning we had a nice conversation.  But if I hadn't seen him I would not have sought him out because I know I will see him tomorrow and the day after and the day after. 

I know it is a 115+ degrees outside so seek neither the searing heat or intense sunshine for the next few hours.   

By about 1pm I get a sandwich just to tide me over until dinner.  A nap may or may not follow after that.  In the afternoon I either go swim or go to the gym (today it was the gym).  I come back, shower, and sit down and wonder where the day went and why it took so long to get to this point in it. 

Again, if I see someone I know at lunch I might invite myself to sit down with them - or not.  At the gym - headphones.  

I like Sundays off.  I enjoy the quiet and solitude - although neither are self imposed, it just works out that way.  

In a few weeks this rhythm will be over and be replaced with a wonderful chaos of life.  Pulled out of solitary confinement I will happily join my life again.  

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