Friday, July 27, 2007

Another Milestone

The balance of sleep distribution in the house may have changed because TJ took his first bottle last night. Without getting into the details - why should I have to get up with Lisa if she's the only one who can feed TJ at night. Right?

Well, that all changed yesterday. Yesterday was the day we decided to try bottle feeding our son. Lisa had been pumping and saving milk so that I could take over at least one feeding a day as well as prepare for her return to work.

We had a plan.

We brought the milk to room temp and put it one of the several types of bottles Lisa bought. "This one simulates the actual breast!" We grabbed the bottles, the baby, and a blanket and headed upstairs where TJ and I were to be closed off from Lisa (Keep in mind that an infant can smell mom from 20 feet away). Lisa wished me luck and closed the door.

In my arms TJ was wailing away as I brought the bottle to his lips. Then he stopped crying, took a tiny taste, and then bore down on the "simulated breast". His eyes were wide open and that was the best part. There was a look of utter surprise and confusion as if to say, "hey, what the - you aren't supposed to be able to do this." He never broke eye contact with me the entire time.

Twenty minute later he was done with the milk but not the suckling, which usually puts him off to sleep. Thinking quickly I introduced a pacifier which did the trick. With a full tummy I wrapped him, burped him, and laid him in his crib.

Perhaps double feeding him (which we eventually wound up doing last night) is the key to a longer nights sleep for everyone. Of course it also means that I am now eligible to take care of that 3:30 am feeding.


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