Thursday, January 04, 2024

Your Life on the Small Screen


A quick note to my kids; something to take a small pleasure in as you reminisce as you read these posts.

I addition to blog posts, your dad had a small side hobby in making home videos for us - for you.  I hope you find them years or decades later and remember things like the time we went to Family Camp, or Spring Break, or - most recently - a surprise Disney Cruise.  

You need to know that while it was a fun way for me to be creative, in a mediocre way, the purpose was (almost) always to give you something to remember the years when you were toddlers, or kids, or teenagers, and a time when your parents were still young and vital.  

Your mom and I made DVDs until a time when everything went on YouTube.  There are some fun memories out there for you to discover. 

For a short time, I thought I would be one of those social media influencers. I made a Disney Race Tips video, and it got a few views. I made videos of Disney Resort lobbies and pools and those had views.  I thought I might be onto something but then realized that LOTS of people are already doing this as more than just a hobby.  I had neither the time nor the inclination for that. The movies are there for you. If someone else likes them too then I don't mind at all.  

I can't really apologize if I shoved a camera in your face, or if I made an embarrassing movie of you. It was all a labor of love.  

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