Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Passive Aggressive Revenge: My New Hobby

This is a first. For the first time I am staying at the home of one of my children.  This is unchartered territory, being a guest in home that belongs to your kid.  It is both oddly satisfying and a little weird at the same time.  

I am out here to help Sam while she recovers from surgery and is immobile. Although there is a purpose to my trip, I am happy to spend time with her.

You truly get a sense of your kid's style and sensibilities.  You silently - okay, maybe not so silently - judge them.  Why is the toilet seat loose? Why are there cleaning supplies in the coat closet? When and why did the Japanese themed artwork appear? 

Almost immediately I noticed something in Samantha that gives me satisfaction and a new hobby.  Turns out, that after over two decades of following her - her brothers are also guilty of this - around the house and turning off lights and picking up loose socks, empty bowls, and discarded food wrappers, that doing the same in her house drives her up the wall.  I am satisfied that she is not a slob. 

But, within one hour of being in her house she was reminding me to turn lights off. One. Hour. This is a moment I have been waiting for - subtle revenge.  Currently, the garbage is full, I left a light on in the kitchen, and the thermostat is two degrees higher than what she recommends.  And, yes, I will take out the garbage, turn off the light, and reset the thermostat, I am quietly snickering to myself.  

I suppose this is both the best and worst of me reflected in my child. Samantha cleans up after herself and keeps a tidy home. Yet, she might be as capricious about it as I am. Woe be unto my future grandchildren.  


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