Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Another Terrorist Attack. Another Senseless Use of Guns

Two days ago 49 people died at the end of a muzzle of a gun fired by a self proclaimed ISIS supporter.  It is the worst loss of life to a terrorist attack since 9/11. It is the largest mass casualty event since the Alfred P. Murrah bombing in 1995.

We have an identity crisis in the country and no one wants to come out of their respective corners to discuss it. In fact, these incidents only retrench our opinions.

It's difficult to imagine where all this is heading. Our reactions to a Lone Wolf attack and over reactions to it's response will only fuel the fire.
We can't do nothing.

We must do something.

The answer is somewhere between love and tolerance for all  or castigation/marginaliztion for some. One leaves us potential victims. The other makes erodes the unique fabric of this country.

Love your brother if you can. Arm yourself if you must. But don't think that gun restrictions/freedoms, deportations, or ecumenical peace will stop this plauge because those are the e-a-s-y answers and we can't even get to an agreement on any of them.

So many pundits, politicians, and social media opinionsters know the answer - or, more likely, know the answer isn't what the other side says.

And so we perpetuate this insanity.

God help us all.

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