Rain storms are so frequent this summer that we work it into our schedule; 5:00pm drive home, 6:00pm downpour, 7:00 - 7:17pm cook out side during the break in storms, 7:17 downpour, and so on.
No one I have spoken to remembers this much rain in a summer. Not in North Carolina. Not in New York. For the first time in over five years not a single county in North Carolina is any form of a drought. Not even a dry spell. Not even a arid afternoon. Aside from the obvious effect of driving everyone inside, no one seems to be complaining. For the first time in months I have even sat down at the Xbox and played for a little bit. I mean, sure, the grass needs mowing but it's like a swamp out there.
Today it poured for a solid hour. Big, thick, hard drops falling from the sky. Biblical proportions of rain. It rained so hard at Ft Bragg one day that all of the streets flooded and ran like heavy streams.
At the end of the storm |
You can do that.
Or build an ark.