Friday, February 15, 2013

Deep Impact

Poor TJ is constipated to the point where he has a major blockage in his bowels.  He was starting to soil his underwear and could never predict when he needed to poop.  We finally realized that we were dealing with a matter larger than adding more fiber to his diet and took him to the doctor yesterday.

TJ has long suffered from poops that rival a grown mans, or a small horse.  No, seriously.  If there was a website to post pictures of bowel movements TJ's would be winners.  Often.  And while we used to marvel at their size, we failed to realize that this wasn't healthy.  TJ would strain until he finally got the point where he was holding it in and became impacted.

The doctor confirmed what we suspected and sealed it with an X-ray showing the blockage.  There is only one way to clear that blockage and TJ received not one, but two Fleet enemas within 12 hours of one another.

Because he hasn't learned any of the hang-ups of having things put in your butt he took his medicine with ease.  Within five minutes there was a wince on his face and loud "Ker-Sploosh".  Lisa and I helped him through the process with words of encouragement, back rubs, and helping clean up.

The good news is that with a few months of additional medicine he will get back to normal bowl movements without medicine or enemas.  The doctor thanked us for addressing this as early as we did which shocked us because we thought we waited too long.  I imagine all those families thinking that their kids were pooping their pants by accident for reasons other than a medical one.   

I am so glad that we didn't blame the child for a problem that was beyond his control.

I am so glad that TJ is getting back on schedule.


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