Here is a sampling of some of the little things he does that make me gush with pride, and smile at his little mind at work.
1) TJ is a good organizer and clean-upper of his toys. I think my clean-freakiness has rubbed off on him a bit, because TJ is great about cleaning up his toys. He also knows right where they go on the shelf. As a matter of fact once he put his little wood puzzle together the other day, he picked it right up and moved it to the shelf where we store it out of the way. I guess he was done playing the puzzle game.
2) Part of our morning ritual is a little cuddle, bottle, and juice time on mommy and daddy's bed. As he drinks his milk and mommy drinks her juice, we watch the Today Show. What cracks me up is that he now waves to all of those people that stand outside the Today Show studio with the signs and wave like crazy. Well, TJ waves like crazy right back at them.
3) I have really tried to avoid t.v. for the first year and a half of his life. Yeah, I know, I just told you that we watch the Today Show, but that has been the exception, until now. I found Noggin on our cable lineup and was thrilled to see one of my favorite kids shows, Blues Clues, regularly scheduled. And I mean the old-school episodes with Steve, pre-Joe, pre-Magenta and Perewinkle. TJ is enthralled. I guess I can let him watch 20 minutes of Blues Clues once a day. Especially if he does the "we just got a letter" dance with his mama.
4) TJ treats snack time seriously. In fact, TJ gets so excited that he takes a handful of goldfish (or whatever is for snack) and tries to shove all of them into his mouth at the same time. It used to be that he would very gingerly eat one goldfish/cheerio at a time. Not any more. He grabs two fist fulls and attempts to get as many as he can into his mouth. Then he takes for ever to chew. But when he is done, he goes after more.
5) TJs giggles. What more can I say. I love the sound of his laughs. Especially when he really gets going. There is nothing in the world quite like hearing and watching your own child laugh in pure delight and to know that you did or are doing something that got him to express such happiness.
6) The lights in TJs room has one of those dimmer dials that slowly turns the lights off. I get a kick out of watching TJ when he is in my arms at bed time and I turn off the lights. I do it slowly because he watches the lights go out with such fascination. It is the last real good look I get of TJ for the day. . . and it is a great one to capture in my minds eye. A great way to end the day.
7) TJ has gotten to be really good at blowing kisses. He does it to everyone passing by. It is really heart warming. . . . just take a look at the video below. What's not to love about this boy?
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