Saturday, June 21, 2014

Kung Fu Masters of Awesomeness

TJ has been working on his Tae Kwon Do lessons for over a year and earned his High Yellow Belt in a private testing last week.  He is steadily getting better thanks to a phenomenal Master who does amazing things with kids.

TJ has more focus and seems to enjoy the solo physical activities than he does team sports.  His hand-eye coordination is still off and he is shy to get in front of a football, baseball, or soccer ball out of fear it might hurt him.  I am sure a week or two of tossing the ball around would help him immensely.

The tenants of martial arts; honor, practice, respect, family ring very true for TJ.  For all of his seven years I think he is very earnest in being a respectful and sweet boy.  Not that team sports don't teach those concepts too, but Tae Kwon Do tries to have it's students live it.

For TJ's test he had to break boards with his hands and feet.  It took a couple of attempts but he learned to trust in his abilities and he cleanly sliced the boards in two.  Lisa was very proud to tie his new belt.  My proudest moment was when TJ told the Master he wanted to be in the Army like his dad.

We got to take the boards home and Grant was impressed with his big brother's accomplishment as much as a 3 1/2 year old can be.  In other words, not much, not for very long.

We took the boards out and it got into our heads to have me break the boards while Lisa held them.  "Shh-WHACK!"  The board broke into as a grade of wood slightly above balsa should.  Grant was immediately intrigued.  I did it again at his request.  "Shh-TACK!"  This time it broke in three pieces.  Grant was fascinated.   Grant picked up another piece of wood and followed me into the kitchen and implored me to do it one more time.

I took the board in both hands and with lightning speed split the board in two with my forehead and then gently passed the two pieces back to Grant.  The look on his face was beyond description - but I will try.  The look was of total awe; as if lasers had just shot out of my eyes while riding a dinosaur and defeating Darth Vader in hand to hand combat.  It was a look that could be interpreted into words as, "holy sh*t - my dad just broke a board with his head - my dad is the coolest, toughest guy in the world!".

Lisa and I both caught the look on his face and busted out laughing.  I have no idea how I might ever top that moment to get the same response but I am looking into self help tapes for alligator wrestling.  Wish me luck.


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