Saturday, November 23, 2013

One Proud Momma

Grant's very first special award

Yes, I am a proud mom. My boys are ridiculously sweet, charming, smart, clever, hysterical, handsome, etc, etc. I know I am a bit biased because they contain at least 50% of my DNA and the other 50% comes from my wonderful husband! But every once in a while someone outside of the family thinks my boys are awesome too.

Grant received a special award last month for being a great helper. Apparently while Grant was sitting and eating lunch, a friend was struggling to reach the faucet. Seeing this, Grant snapped in to action and said, "I'll help you." He got up from his lunch and turned the faucet on for his friend and then waited for him to finish so that he could turn it off too. What a sweetheart. Total unsolicited help.  Now, anyone that knows my son at lunchtime knows how much he loves his food. So the fact that he got up from HIS lunch to help someone makes this story even better. Yep. I am a proud momma.

And the sweetness does not stop there for Grant. Often times when we are sharing a moment Grant will say to me, "Mom, you nice." The other remark he makes gets me even more choked up: "Mom, you my best friend." Could I be any luckier with this sweet, sweet boy?

He has been a joy to watch grow up.  He is silly when he is "shaking his bacon", a riot when he says to me "flush my stuff" after a successful sit on the potty. He is smart when he works to figure out how a new toy works, and he is precious when he follows his big brother around the room doing everything just like T.J.

I am blessed.

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